Sunday, October 3, 2010

Open your arms

you see them on the street,
you do nothing but look at your feet...

they ache, and long to know someone cares,
but usually they get nothing but stares.

we are the hand and feet of Christ,
what are we doing, this cannot be right.

we must go into the world, and make it change,
it time to open up and rearrange.

helping the ones we see on the street,
and give them a warm seat.

opening our arms and hands wide,
we will be the one who feel good inside.

let go of your selfish ways,
and give God the glory all of your days.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Here I go

You have taken the time to get to know me,
I guess it's time to open up so you can see ,
see the real me.
I love to watch flowers grow up from the grass,
I sit and try to make those moments last.
Just as I have tried to do for 18 years,
It's hard to talk about how I feel without tears.
I have always longed to fit in,
and I fake it with a grin.
Not many look much farther than my walls,
but when you take your time to talk to me,
it all falls.
I am ready to step out,
and live without doubt.
I am learning how to change,
and things are starting to rearrange.
Here I go,
I am letting go.
Thank you for being here for me,
you've opened my eyes so I can see,
the girl God created me to be.

I want the world

I didn't want to leave home,
or the things that were already known.

It was my choice and it was up to me,
but I chose to go be all I could be.

I started off fine,
but realized the things in this world,
I wanted to be mine.

I lost sight of what was really true,
and started focusing on the things that I could never have.

The body, the hair, and all that the world wants me to be,
God took me and open my eyes, and now I see.

It wasn't that I wanted the world,
I wanted the world to like me.

I know what I have to do,
and I pray God take me and makes me new.


where do you find your worth?
it can't be the make up, we don't have it at birth.
the weight of the world tells us where it needs to be,
but I have people in my life who say the beauty is me.
not the clothes I wear or the shoes on my feet,
it the smile on my face when we meet.
the love that I show from the creator of all,
the one that catches me when I fall.
my worth isn't in this world, or any of it's stuff,
in Christ, who I am is quite enough.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Hales (:

Dear Hales,
Your are such a special girl,
its quite easy to see,
and how lucky and I,
that God gave you to me?
the fun we have had I will never forget,
right by our side at lunch I would sit.
study hall was lots of fun too,
never could do what we were told to do.
so many memories,
and a lifetime ahead,
we will go where we are led.
never slow down,
and remember I'm here to get rid of that frown.
you have been a twitter creep,
but you were the one I could text if I couldn't sleep.
I will miss your face,
more than you know.
but now its time for me to go.
remember me when you need a friend,
I will be there 'til the end.
good luck with the rest of high school.
I wish you the best,
good luck on all those silly test.
I love you Hales,
thanks for being in my life.
i will miss you lots,
and hey, who will eat my tater tots?
keep your head held high,
reach for the stars and aim for the sky.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


if these shoes could talk,
they would tell of the miles i have walked.
the places i have seen, the people i have met,
the beggar on the street that beat me in a bet.
the lonely people just looking for a place to call home,
but doing nothing at night, nothing but roam.
the stories i have heard and the people to tell them so,
how lucky am i, lucky enough to know....
to know that i have a place to call home at night,
while in other countries survival is a fight.
i am blessed to say i have seem many miles,
but lucky for me most of the way has been smiles.
to the people around the world,
just begging for a hope,
i pray that i can been their escape boat.
to be there for them until the very end,
to open my heart,
to call them a friend.
oh if these shoes could talk,
i could tell the stories of the miles I've walked.

Friday, May 7, 2010

i am

i am....
a daughter before i am anything.

i am...
a disciple above all things.

i am...
a sister who loves to be there.

i am...
a student who looks up to her teachers.

i am...
who i am for a reason.

i am...
Gods creation...Brittney Gilleland

prom night

the shoes, the dress, the hair,
boys trying to figure out what shoes to wear.
its been in the works for many months,
and its all come down to this...
everything is perfect and every hair in place,
these are the memories we never want to erase.
the flowers are all in bunches,
girl have stayed fit by doing crunches.
they are told they look beautiful,
yet what do they feel inside...
are they ready to run away and hide?
have the pressures of the world,
forced them to think a certain way?
not liking what the look like,
or hating the person in mirror?
yet prince charming sweeps her off her feet,
and to her carriage she will meet.
everything else falls away,
and everyone is thankful for prom day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

take a walk in someone's shoes

if we could all walk in others shoes,
we could all write the news.
finally understanding how the rest of our world lives,
and what all it gives,
we could learn others motives.
taking all of our hate and greed away,
lets join together and sway.
singing together and starting a new way.
breaking all the rules,
students can finally all come together in schools.
parents and family will learn,
to let the past feeling burn.
let them burn and never come back,
pick each other up if one begins to lack.
would the world be a different place,
if there were no difference in race?
if everyone was allowed to do what they heart desired,
and no one on earth would ever be fired?
if we could only take a walk in their shoes,
we could all understand.
many are willing but most are not,
we just wear the shoes we bought.
the next time you take a little walk,
take another person and have a little talk.

Monday, May 3, 2010

graduation and friends :)

let go of the past...
your life is going by too fast...
everything you once knew,
has all slipped away.
no more snack time or time to play.
you were just a freshman,
so clueless and carefree,
and look at the senior class,
oh wait, that's me.
what did the time go?
were we just to busy to know?
all our lives we have spent together,
but i hear the college, it only gets better.
i will miss seeing many of the faces,
but look where I'm going,
i get to see many places.
i am growing up,
and theres nothing i can change,
but know one thing my cell phones always in range.
if you need a friend,
or someone to just be there,
know i care.
thank you for being such a great friend,
know that we will always be 'til the end.

Friday, April 30, 2010

I miss you

I feel like we're drifting apart,
how can this happen?
when did this start?

you made such an impact,
now where do you go?
I have many things I still want you to know.

I have never stopped thinking of you,
in fact your a big help that got me through.

I hear your words so soft in my ear,
you are God's masterpiece Brittney my dear.

don't listen to that devil, he sees your winning,
then I fall and head back to the beginning.

I'm sure your don't mean to forget about me,
I am just hoping that one day you'll see,
I am thank for for you, I hope your thankful for me.

best friend:)

ever had that one special friend?
that one that will be there 'til the very end?

they take the time to look at the real you,
they realize your human too.

if it was three o'clock in the morning,
she'd be there even if you were snoring.

to uplift, pray, support, and encourage,
never backing down, or giving up on you,
just there to see you through.

that's what my best friend does for me,
she tells me to be all I can be.

i will never forget the day we met,
i didn't even know you quite yet.

the first time i met you,
you told me your story,
and I told you to use it for His glory.

you make me proud to call you my best friend,
we will be best friend 'til the end.

keep sharing your story,
your impacting lives,
and giving Him glory.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

class of 2010 :)

we came here four years ago,
didn't think there was anything we didn't know.
we selected our classes,
and couldn't wait for these years to pass us.
we should have taken the time to slow down,
and to love the ones who we surround.
we came to high school as individuals,
doing our weekly rituals.
homework, sleep, and fun times too.
we leave here as one,
finding out these four years where the most fun.
we have had our homecomings, games, and other events.
now its time for us to leave our parents.
no more high school,
its time to move on.
class of 2010,
look how far we have come,
and look where we are going.
go with this knowing,
we are always bonded by the heart,
good luck on your fresh new start.

RIP Logan

a school should be a place of joy,
but now they grief the death of a young boy.

God, look at their faces,
look at how that young girl paces.

Look at those boys,
lost and hurting,
God their hearts are yearning.

wrap the whole school and staff in your grace,
Logan would say go on, win the race.

God let the class of 2013 band together,
they will change this world for your glory,
each and everyone of them has a special story.

forever Logan will be in their hearts,
they will always remember he loved pop tarts.
Monster energy drinks and grave clothing too,
riding was what he loved to do.
Father God, we know he is with you.

RIP Logan Mathis

Share your faith

you see her on the street,
and you just pass on by.
not knowing the story she holds inside.

she keeps so many things in,
yet she forces a fake grin.

you say people think she perfect,
but on the inside,
she does not think shes wort it.

she knows what the power of prayer can do,
yet she knows her limits too.

when you take the time to look beyond her fake walls,
her invincibility falls.
she's looking for something else to cling to
what if it's God's love in you?

when you finally decide to realize that she's human too,
look at her and say, "I love you"

hearing those words, makes her start to see the light,
and then she is uplifted by God's Holy might.

you pass her on the street,
are you aware,
you may be the only Bible she may ever meet?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

thank you teachers (:

when I was younger you taught my my ABC's
and how to count my 123's.
the job title that you have taken as teacher,
make me look up to you as a leader.
many people don't see why I look up to you so much,
but in all reality, you have helped me develop who I am.
without a teacher, where would the world be today?
we would all still be in art class just playing with clay.
they took the time to let you have recess, and snack time too,
they even taught you how to tie a shoe.
never underestimate the talents of a teacher,
they can take you from only know how to add,
to taking the numbers and using them in CAD.
back in elementary school,
they would let you be the line leader,
that helped you to later in life to be the worlds leader.
what would we do it we didn't know how to communicate?
most of us wouldn't go on our first date.
we really do owe our teachers a huge thank you,
after all,
they were the ones who have helped most of us through.
from pre-k all the way to a senior in high school.
they are the ones will that special tool.
for all that you have done for us,
a thank you is a must.

what is goodbye?

what a phrase.
it comes in so many different ways....
see you later, after while, until we meet again,
usually something that comes at the end.
or at least that is what I have thought until today,
it's really just a phrase that only matters here on earth.
I have a hard time of letting people go,
I want them to stay here, and help me grow.
the truth is,
through the experience of good-bye's
we get to cross many other paths and look in many other eyes.
as we start to meet new people and expand out circle of friends,
we look at it and realize that it never ends.
even if someone goes to a different school or live in a different state,
one day will will all rejoice again together at the pearly gate.

Where do we go from here?

Where do we turn from here?
Do we go where we know there will be fear?
Or do we just hold tight and stay right here?

Letting God have complete control,
Or trying to fix it on our own?
If we do this, we cannot go alone.

We must first let God in,
And run back into his arms again.
Yes Lord, we know we have sinned.

Take my life, and use it to your glory,
I am ready God, to tell my story.

I will take all that I have learned from each experience,
And touch a life in need,
And maybe God I will plant a seed.

I want to go out in a world full of need,
And take away all of the hateful greed.

God I am ready to live my life for you,
Here I am, let me shine your light,
Give me all your glory and might.

What has made an impact?

together we stand.
we are about to go perform.
yet in many of our lives, there is a storm.
we let go and we start to see the silver lining,
then through us Gods light starts shining.
many ask us what makes you love encounter?
we simply answer the worship, and the community with each other,
you look all around you and see your sisters and brothers.
look in the back and you see adults shining in glory,
when we open our mouths to tell the story.
we lift our voices on high,
we lift our eyes and hands to the sky
we are on eagles wings, and now begin to fly.
God leads us the whole way,
even at the end when we get together to sway.
we sing I'd rather have Jesus, than silver or gold,
we have so many stories that need to be told.
as be begin to tell them, and show the impact God has made,
we can all begin to sing this is the day.

I am God's...

I am God's...


Letter to a special church member :)

Right from the start,
you always held a special place in my heart.
so much passion, love, and kindness towards me, now I look back and see,
how much of an impact you were on me.
I always dreamed one day,
I could sing with you,
and in the past few years,
so many dreams have come true.
you never thought that you were so important to me,
now I hope you can see,
you are such a big part of who I am today,
you never left me astray.
from sunday school as a child,
then through the teenage years,
I know that you have seen many tears.
some for fears of what a friend is doing,
and some for not knowing what to do,
but I thank God for giving me you.
I always had someone to talk things through,
and yet again, I thank God for you.
I have been blessed to have you in my life,
thank you for everything,
now its my turn to sing. :)

Angels Wings

the sound of the new baby rings soft in my ears,
yet the look on another mothers face brings me to tears.
one life has just begun,
and another mother griefs for her son.
two opposite very different things,
and yet i still hear the angels wings.
one just dropping off a gift from Heaven,
and another took an angel home with them a little after 11.
i praise you God for the life you have blessed two parents with,
let them know that she's your special gift.
wrap the other family in your arms,
take away the pain, hurt, and heartache from them,
let them fall into your grace, love and mercy again.
all that happens, happens for a reason,
but Father God help us through all seasons.

I hear you through it all

listening to the what others have to say,
their words become a whole new distraction in the way.
i try so hard to hear Him through it all,but i lose all hope and begin to fall.
harder and harder,
then faster and faster,now look what i have created, a disaster.
i listen to what those who matter say,but it all comes back to one word, pray.
a word so soft and pure,i know what i have to do for sure.
give it to my God, and let it all go,
because when he died, i was washed white as snow.
there's only one way to go from here,Dear Christ Jesus, hold me near.
take all my shame, guilt, upsets and fear,
take one look at me and wipe my tear.
i am ready to let myself fall into your grace,
but i am not sure if i am ready to see you face to face.
i am trying my hardest to hear what it is i must do,
but yet again, i fall back to the way i used to.
i am trying to my best, to put this beast to rest.
i am ready to be set free, let my eye be open, to see.
my God my God i cry out,shouting your praise into the night,
gently you respond to me,daughter, i have never left your sight.