Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dear Hales (:

Dear Hales,
Your are such a special girl,
its quite easy to see,
and how lucky and I,
that God gave you to me?
the fun we have had I will never forget,
right by our side at lunch I would sit.
study hall was lots of fun too,
never could do what we were told to do.
so many memories,
and a lifetime ahead,
we will go where we are led.
never slow down,
and remember I'm here to get rid of that frown.
you have been a twitter creep,
but you were the one I could text if I couldn't sleep.
I will miss your face,
more than you know.
but now its time for me to go.
remember me when you need a friend,
I will be there 'til the end.
good luck with the rest of high school.
I wish you the best,
good luck on all those silly test.
I love you Hales,
thanks for being in my life.
i will miss you lots,
and hey, who will eat my tater tots?
keep your head held high,
reach for the stars and aim for the sky.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


if these shoes could talk,
they would tell of the miles i have walked.
the places i have seen, the people i have met,
the beggar on the street that beat me in a bet.
the lonely people just looking for a place to call home,
but doing nothing at night, nothing but roam.
the stories i have heard and the people to tell them so,
how lucky am i, lucky enough to know....
to know that i have a place to call home at night,
while in other countries survival is a fight.
i am blessed to say i have seem many miles,
but lucky for me most of the way has been smiles.
to the people around the world,
just begging for a hope,
i pray that i can been their escape boat.
to be there for them until the very end,
to open my heart,
to call them a friend.
oh if these shoes could talk,
i could tell the stories of the miles I've walked.

Friday, May 7, 2010

i am

i am....
a daughter before i am anything.

i am...
a disciple above all things.

i am...
a sister who loves to be there.

i am...
a student who looks up to her teachers.

i am...
who i am for a reason.

i am...
Gods creation...Brittney Gilleland

prom night

the shoes, the dress, the hair,
boys trying to figure out what shoes to wear.
its been in the works for many months,
and its all come down to this...
everything is perfect and every hair in place,
these are the memories we never want to erase.
the flowers are all in bunches,
girl have stayed fit by doing crunches.
they are told they look beautiful,
yet what do they feel inside...
are they ready to run away and hide?
have the pressures of the world,
forced them to think a certain way?
not liking what the look like,
or hating the person in mirror?
yet prince charming sweeps her off her feet,
and to her carriage she will meet.
everything else falls away,
and everyone is thankful for prom day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

take a walk in someone's shoes

if we could all walk in others shoes,
we could all write the news.
finally understanding how the rest of our world lives,
and what all it gives,
we could learn others motives.
taking all of our hate and greed away,
lets join together and sway.
singing together and starting a new way.
breaking all the rules,
students can finally all come together in schools.
parents and family will learn,
to let the past feeling burn.
let them burn and never come back,
pick each other up if one begins to lack.
would the world be a different place,
if there were no difference in race?
if everyone was allowed to do what they heart desired,
and no one on earth would ever be fired?
if we could only take a walk in their shoes,
we could all understand.
many are willing but most are not,
we just wear the shoes we bought.
the next time you take a little walk,
take another person and have a little talk.

Monday, May 3, 2010

graduation and friends :)

let go of the past...
your life is going by too fast...
everything you once knew,
has all slipped away.
no more snack time or time to play.
you were just a freshman,
so clueless and carefree,
and look at the senior class,
oh wait, that's me.
what did the time go?
were we just to busy to know?
all our lives we have spent together,
but i hear the college, it only gets better.
i will miss seeing many of the faces,
but look where I'm going,
i get to see many places.
i am growing up,
and theres nothing i can change,
but know one thing my cell phones always in range.
if you need a friend,
or someone to just be there,
know i care.
thank you for being such a great friend,
know that we will always be 'til the end.